Vital Harmonics


Vital Harmony Immersion: New Dawn 


I have distilled my highest impact interventions to a 3 day in-depth immersion where we build on momentum of intake, initiate and cleansing panchakarma process, and couple this with an integrative followup. I have found these interventions very successful in close proximity where there is an element of intensity and commitment.  This requires me to assess which candidates will benefit most from this program. I appreciate your dedication, your time and your interest in my practice and my work. - Dr. Joseph Hanovnikian MD

This immersion is for existing or new patients of mine - people who are looking to accelerate their path of health transformation. This is for people who have been having a particular health issue whether chronic or acute they would like to focus and address in a focused and accelerated way. This VH Immersion: New Dawn  is also for individuals who may desire a deeper, up close and personal understanding of my work, optimization of their health and physiology, a more intimate understanding of vitality, vitalism, ritual and role of plants, the elements, and prayer in the support of human health and physiology. 

Day 2 of the immersion is an in-person component (full day am - pm)  and will take place at a location in Southern California to be disclosed upon phone evaluation after application is received and accepted. 

Day 1: “Discovery, Revelation, Assessment and Plan”

Day 2: “The Ceremony of Life - Learning and the Work”: Intervention, Education, Immersion (Full Day) 

Day 3: “Happy, Strong, Healthy Moving Forward - How do I Integrate and Apply Freedom in Life?

Days 1 and 3 will last anywhere from 60-120 minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience as an in person or telemedicine visit 

Day 2 is the heart of this Immersion and will be a full day of experiencing the rhythm of life through the guidance and integration of master plant allies and teachers based on your sensibility and constitution. Dinacharya (daily routine), dietary, and lifestyle interventions will be activated and experienced. In-person treatment, abhyanga, basti, modified panchakarma will be woven into this program on an as-needed basis.